CommunityNHS IVF Eligibility Calculator

Our fertility experiences 
shouldn’t be this hard.

Fertility treatment puts your body, your emotions, and your finances on the line. At Fertility Mapper, we're on a mission to ensure that you're in the driving seat. Always.
Today, we do this by helping you pick a fertility clinic more easily. It's one of the most important decisions you'll need to make, directly impacting how much you pay, your experience - and even the outcome.
Our review platform was built with our community and focuses on surfacing the in-depth experiences of real people. It captures, in one convenient place, the often hard-to-find but essential information you need to make the best choice for you.

Fertility Mapper

"Not a weekend goes by where fertility doesn't come up with friends over dinner or coffee. Given my experience and personal journey, I'm asked frequently for informal advice on which clinic to pick or how much services should cost. It struck me then - and still does - that there was no reliable, single resource to take the place of that 'friend in the know.' So with the help of our amazing community, that's what we set out to build." - Kayleigh

Be part of the mission

Fertility Mapper has and will continue to be a collaborative team effort, shaped by both women and men who have shared their honest and invaluable experiences.
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